Friday, August 12, 2011

Redwoods and Roots.

I was 'home' in Michigan the month of July. Enjoying the fellowship of family and friends. Fully living the days of the lake, of little boutiques, of freedom in that place.

While driving on a day trip, a discussion came up about my feelings of family, friendship, and the fellowship that formed the night before at my home-warming party. With flying hands and a full heart, I bubbled about how beyond-blessed I felt, how I couldn't believe all the faces I saw there, huddled in that space, supporting me.

In response, my Aunt said, "Christina, your life is like redwoods" and she went on to explain:

"You will not see a redwood standing by itself. While these majestic tress look big and powerful, their roots are quite shallow for their size -- only about four to five feet deep. They are only are as powerful as they are because the root systems of all the trees are all intertwined. This invisible yet powerful interconnectedness gives the redwoods the strength to withstand the elements and let them survive for centuries."

I rested into this wisdom. Believing and thinking the truth of it. Thankful for all those who hold fast to me like redwoods, and give me roots.

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