Tuesday, August 2, 2011

On Writing.

Launching a blog is a little bit like giving your head and your heart away. It's all your thoughts and heart whispers lended to the world to see, react to, weigh in, and wonder. It's a little scary. Okay, maybe a lot scary. But it is also something the Lord uses in me, for me. It's this inkling that I have inside that compels me to share, to write.

In my original blog I penned:

In writing, I am often tempted, and I would say, rightly so, to hide some parts of me. Some of the real depths of what I think and feel. And at times, write moreso so my reader can feel and gain from my words than for me. This is good as it shields some of the recesses of me. But it is also something I wrestle with.

The people I love the most don't hold back. They are real and honest and vulnerable to the core. They allow themselves to be teachers just simply in who they are, not in what they perceive others to gather from them. They are my favorite people to converse with, my favorite writers to read, and my favorite artists to listen to..."

It's only fitting then, I would share from
s. I think if we met, we'd instantly be Sara and Christina, sitting at a quaint little cafe sipping on tea or coffee and downing scones while pouring out our hearts about love and life and the Lord and good things. But I also know the Lord has worked through her words, rendering a surrender and transformation. At one point, she felt like am observer of her work, and her producer Charlie
Peacock prayed forth:
"I want you to enjoy God and the gift of songwriting." Something about this stark statement is freedom. It's also the words that birth this blog. It's in writing, that I enjoy life. That I gather and glean good. That I sense the Spirit of God at work in me. It's in writing that I linger, love, and process the beauty of life.

In the writing life, one levitates on the weight of sharing, the worth of transparency, and the honesty of words. So as I begin this blog, I pray that God uses growth, complication, strength, stirrings, joys, thanksgivings, hurts, and healings, by Letting My Words Speak.

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