Monday, September 30, 2013

My Carriage is Broken.

I'm reading a story in a book loaned from a friend, its poignant truth still laboring through my daily thoughts, convicting and convincing...

"A man was going to New York to take possession of a large estate, and his carriage should break down a mile before he got to the city, which obliged him to walk the rest of the way; what a fool we should think him if we saw him wringing his hands, and blubbering out all the remaining mile, 'My carriage is broken!  My carriage is broken!'"
~John Newton
As Quoted in The Roots of Endurance
John Piper, p 68

What do I choose to see?  The mansion of glory God has bestowed for me, promised bright heavenly at the end of this road?  Or the broken pieces of life I feel in the heaviness of the walk to get there?  Are my eyes lifted and hopeful, optimistic in things He has guaranteed?  Or downcast in distraction, measuring with complaint the rubble at my feet?  Do I see heaven awaiting?  Or cling to the dust of this world?  Oh to wonder for the hope of the unseen, rather mumble after the frayed pieces around me!

Lord Jesus, lift my eyes, cast off the dirtiness in my heart.  Let my hope and sights be forwarded to heaven, where one day we two will meet.