Saturday, March 9, 2013

... And Carry On.

A phrase has become popular on T-shirts, bumper stickers, posters, and general lingo:

I think a Biblical context, a human context, a life context needs to be discussed on this phrase.  It is interesting, as my friend and I discussed, at the world's opinion of this phrase.  It has been elevated, highlighted, posted, and pursued. Keeping calm seems the ultra goal.

But, did God create us to keep calm?

Did God, Jesus, aspire to keep calm?

We were discussing life and dating and us and our personalities.  Her insight was so interesting that I had to marvel and rethink it, and then compare the worldly view with what we know to be True.  She talked about guys and the way they talk about girls they are interested in or dating, and the ultimate phrase, the way they seem to be proud of the girl, the style they want from her is, "Yeah, she's really chill... She's easy to be with... She's laid back..."

But, if God wanted us all to be only a subset of emotions, only peaceful or "whatever" all the time, would he have then created our diversity in emotion, our inflection in responses, our capacity to feel and react so differently?  This does not mean to give full rights to our emotions, or be ruled by them, or say that all are good.  I do think there is importance and call to guide ourselves by the fruits of the spirit, including self-control.  However, I think heed needs to be given to the "all-sufficient calm" we are told to strive for.

Most posters, T-shirts, and signs with this phrase include a crown at the top.  The princess mark.  The alter-ego we are told we should wish to wear since we are children, little girls.  So then, does the phrase insinuated that to earn royalty and esteem and princess-ship, than we are to always be laid back, give little thought, and have a sense of "whatever" about life?

I beg to differ.

I see, I know, a God who takes everything personally.  Who wages war against his people when injustice was wrought.  Who lead kings and armies with strength and stamina.  Who quiets his people with his love but also rejoices over them with singing.  He is a God with strength like a mighty fortress, with wrath that burned against entire cities (Sodom and Gomorra), who's love is as fiercely jealous as it is beautifully devoted.  Jesus threw tables over in conviction, devoted intention to disciples, and stood up to Sadducees.  He divides the sheep from the goats daily, and has promised his love as much as a day of judgement. My God spoke in whispers as well as whales, pursued the barren as intensely as the prostitute.

This is my God.

He is not calm.  He is everything on the spectrum.  He is invigorating, he is life-giving.  He is joyful, he is just.  He is angry, he is saddened.  He is pursuing, he is purposeful.  He is silent, he is roaring.

To "keep calm and carry on" contradicts who my Savior is, and in some instances, who I am called to be.  To "keep calm and carry on" is to ignore the orphan, to by-pass the widow.  To "keep calm and carry on" is to shrug through life without dancing or crying or screaming or laughing.  To "keep calm and carry on" is to have a life without conviction, to have a day without a vision, to have a heart without calling.

God doesn't ask us all to be even-keeled, or all to be dramatic.  But he does ask us to live a life worthy of His calling.  In this, he leads us with conviction of his Truth, the chaos of community, and the mission of his gospel that to carry on.

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