Monday, March 12, 2012

Found a Home.

"Even the sparrow has found a home,
And the swallow a nest for herself,
Where she may have her young --
A place near your alter,
Oh Lord Almighty
My King and My God."
Psalm 84:3

I wrote a year or two ago the sparrow and the swallow. About the craving for a home, for a nest, for young. I wrote with deep desire and trying to understand the Lord's word and call her, and his desire or promise for me as a single woman clinging to these words.

New words now follow them. My friend Kate Vasey said came here the other weekend and said, "You feel peaceful." Her words suprised me, in my scattering state. But her "known" is right, is true. Our conversations followed and expounded...

I have found my home. I have found my nest. I am in the place God wants for me, and preparing for the life he has for me.

I have always felt, always known, always been at home, in the life of "home." In the tasks and joys of that creation -- of table setting and dish making and children raising and man loving and garden growing. I have always been a heart at home here.

And now, this fallen sparrow has found a home. This wandering swallow has found a nest.

And so tonight, as I rest and find my place near His Alter, I conclude in contemplative worship. In praising him, for home.

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