Saturday, December 21, 2013

Slow to Speak.

"Be imitators of God...
Ephesians 5:1; Philippians 2

Often I peer at the world and people around me and wonder: Does the Holy Spirit in me show differently?"  If non-believers are aren't held to the laws of the Christ, do I as a full believer demonstrate his laws in my heart then in full difference?

The last few months have brought this to the forefront concerning the words and attitudes etched in conversations among believers.  As I listen, as I watch or participate in conversation, inwardly I cringe. Words are blunt, anger is snapped, remarks are quick, retorts come forceful, and small trials produce great negative reactions.

I come back to the continual call of the Epistles to be self-controled, to groom the fruits of the Spirit, to model Christ in love, and yet am left broken, discouraged, and dismantled by the words I hear instead.

Yesterday, amidst feeling the outcries of this negativity in my own spirit, I heard the radio host announce:

"My dear brothers and sisters, 
take note of this: 
Everyone should be quick to listen, 
slow to speak 
and slow to become angry."
James 1:19

It was God's poignant clarity to guide my heart and actions, gaining strength through the Holy Spirit.

James later speaks about the power of the tongue, the devastation it can wrought, and the contradiction of how we use it both to reveal glorious worship and angst, uncontrolled distress (James 3).

Children of God, if we claim to be One with God, our bluntness is only bold for the Gospel.  Our anger only righteous for His causes; our adversity only pleading for His grace.

May Christ give us the discernment and conviction to know when to close our lips and when to courage in speech.  May we humbly then accept his direction, imitating Him by the Spirit who filters our hearts.

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