Sunday, September 10, 2017

Ordering the Wood.

For Church at Charlotte's Women's Ministry Devotional
Under the theme "Walk This Way"

By faith Abraham, 
when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, 
obeyed and went, 
even though he did not know where he was going.” 
Hebrews 11:8

“I feel like Noah,” I swallowed, pushing the unsigned contract forward, “And this is ordering the wood.”  I exhaled across from my Principal, at the cherished Christian school where I had  fantastic, coveted teaching job. 

None of it made sense, except that “feeling”, that promise of God that I could only speak in words that my mother understood:  “I know that I know that I know.”  Knowing that it was God’s call on me to go.  So I “ordered the wood”, resigning my secure job in the middle of the country’s economic fall-out, as well as leaving my family, blinded to unspeakable tragedies to come.

But God is faithful.

After the surrender of my life in Michigan, my friend spoke Hebrews 11:8 over me, her full conviction that God had an inheritance waiting for me in North Carolina.  She had no idea what or how God would unravel his plan for me, but she embedded this Truth of Scripture into my faith and my future.

I arrived in North Carolina without knowing the house, the roommates, the income, the friendships, the church that I would eventually secure and hold onto.  All I knew, is that I was holding on to God, with my ark to the anchor of his promises.

Nine years later, I root in this land of inheritances, with visual, walking Ebeneezers of His promises about me: an incredible husband, two passionate children, a safe home, and relationships that encourage my calling in the Kingdom.  God is faithful

To this land of inheritance, I followed his promises, unknowing exactly what that beheld but trusting him by ordering the wood.


Dear Lord, may my heart be attuned to your spirit, secured in your promises and obedient to your call.  Let your faithfulness be my truth and my stronghold when the storms or skies don’t make sense. I know, I trust, you are faithful and an anchor for my soul.  Amen.


Additional Scripture

“The Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you…” II Thessalonians 3:3

“Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid.  Do not be discouraged.  For the Lord your God will be with you whoever you go.”  Joshua 1:9

“Build houses and settle down.  Plant gardens and eat what they produce.”  Jeremiah 29:5

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